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Knowledgebase : Windows Hosting
You can restore MSSQL database from WebsitePanel / Dotnetpanel by following instruction below 1. Upload database backup file in .bak format to hosting space. 2. Login WebsitePanel, browse to the hosting space. 3. Select SQL 2005 / SQL2008 data...
You receive the error 500 Internal Server Error on Windows Hosting server. The error does not tell you what the problem is so you don't know how to fix. To display error details, please follow instruction below. 1. Open web.config file in wwwroot fo... MVC framework is the latest technology enables developers to create web applications easily with complete control over html markup and rich Ajax integration. You develop MVC web application and don't know how to deploy on production environm...
How to upload files to Windows hosting space with WebsitePanel? After log in ftp, you see folder which contains three subfolders data, logs, wwwrootAll website files should be uploaded to wwwroot folder.Web scripts in php, asp, h...
How to configure Web deploy & Webmatrix in WebsitePanel Dedicated application pool is required for IIS remote admin & Webmatrix publishing. First log in WebsitePanel, navigate to Hosting Space - Web Sites Select Website you want to add user for web ...
On Windows Server 2008 IIS 7.5 You can add rewrite rule in web.config file to redirect to Replace with your domain
How to configure Custom Errors on IIS 7.5? 1. Create a custom error page 404.htm and upload to wwwroot folder. 2. Add the following configuration with correct path to 404 error page in your web.config file __ _
Quick guide to install Nopcommerce in 5 easy steps 1. After your hosting account is activated, log in WebsitePanel, go to Websites - Choose website -> Website Setting and configure extension ASP.NET 4.0 Integrated mode. 2. Download latest Nopcommer...
You want to create simple page to verify is working? Create hello.aspx file and upload to hosting space via ftp. Sample code is below: <html> <body> <p> <b>You are browsing this site with:</b> <%Response....
You upload website to hosting space and receive error Configuration Error Parser Error Message: Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive. The error means website is created with 2.0 and you up...
You can add configuration in web.config file to force redirect to https Rewrite rule to be added under
Create a web.config file in folder of file you want to redirect. Content of web.config file:
You receive error message Service application unavailable on website. When checking IIS log, you see error Application pool is beiing automatically disabled due to a series of failures in the process(es) serving that application. The error means ...
IIS rewrite rules to redirect to
CREATE PLESK SCHEDULING TASK: Select a Subscription, navigate Websites & Domains > Scheduled Tasks (on right menu) > Add Task Enter Scheduled task name, choose notification type. Path to an executable file: C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0powe...
You get these errors when managing subscription and subscriber in Plesk _"The subscription is still suspended due to the following reason: The subscription is suspended because its subscriber was suspended."_ _"The account is still suspended due to th...
Plesk Windows hosting supports Web Deploy publishing. You can use Visual Studio to publish website via ftp or web deploy. FTP is recommended method to upload website to server hosting space. After web deploy is enabled for a website, you can downloa...
Error Failed to get the domain information is usually caused by missing email service on mail server. To fix error, try these commands cd %plesk_bin% mchk.exe --domain --domain-name=your-domain Note: Command mchk.exe --all --fix=all will check all...
When latest 4.5.2 is installed on server, the server already supports MVC 5.0 web application. The website needs to be configured with 4.5 integrated mode pipeline. If you upload files from Visual studio website to server, you may get ...
MYSQL_CONNECT EXTENSION WAS DEPRECATED IN PHP 5.5.0, AND IT WAS REMOVED IN PHP 7.0.0. MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extension should be used to connect mysql database from php script. mysqli_connect() PDO::__construct()