You can not view your website in Firefox or Internet Explorer because the domain is blocked by Google safe browsing. Malicious software found on website is hosted on external domains, most likely some .cn domains. If you log in ftp to check recent mod...
You try to log in WHMCS admin area but your IP is blocked after 5
failed login attempts.
Please follow the steps below to remove IP blocking:
1. Log into your cPanel or website database administration panel.
2. Enter phpMyAdmin from cpanel, se...
You find out your website using wordpress or Joomla hacked. Sometimes you don't see any new file uploaded to hosting account but website shows hacked content. Most likely malicious code has been inserted in website template. There are 2 main steps to i...
1. Ensure you have the latest version of Joomla [1].
When your Joomla site is exploited, delete all files in your Joomla
installation, saving a copy of the configuration.php file. Replace the
deleted files with fresh copy of a current full version ...
If you password protect your WordPress Admin directory, Ajax
functionality in front-end or plugins will not work correctly.
Please follow instruction below to fix that issue:
Open the .htaccess file located in your /WP-ADMIN/ folder (This is NOT
the m...